Geellakk geellakk Claresa Canni Valeri

Gel Nail Polish

Geel-küünelakk LED UV geellakk geellakid

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  • Kategooriad: NTN Premium clear
  • Kategooriad: Vedelikud clear
Soodus!-1,00 €
NTN Premium Design 5G NR 43 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Splash 5g Nr 119 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium California 5g Nr 136 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
NTN Premium Fiesta 5G NR 76 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
NTN Premium Topless Collection 5G NR 11 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Dessert 5g Nr 97 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Oriental Delice 5g Nr 265 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium California 5g Nr 139 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Viimased tooted laos
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium California Collection 5g Nr 142 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Dehüdraator DNKa on antiseptiline puhastusvahend niiskuse, rasvaosakeste ja lisandite eemaldamiseks küüneplaatidelt. See on hädavajalik salongi- või koduse geelmaniküüri jaoks, sest see normaliseerib küünenaha piirkonna pH-d, ennetab infektsioone, aitab vältida geelikihi koorumist, lõhenemist ja pragunemist. See toode tugevdab katet, aitab kaasa selle pikaajalisele säilimisele.
rasvatustab küüsi;
normaliseerib pH-tasakaalu;
eemaldab patogeensed mikroobid;
taastab struktuuri;
takistab küüne koorumist;
kõrvaldab niiskuse;
tugevdab küünekatet.
6,95 €
Kosmeetiline atsetoon Ntn Premium 100 ml
Hübriidlaki, geeli, akrüüli ja otsikute ning puhastusharjade eemaldamiseks. Vedelik, mis eemaldab õrnalt ja tõhusalt küüneplaadilt hübriidlaki, geelmassi, akrüülmassi ja otsikud ilma looduslikke küüsi kahjustamata. Ideaalne akrüül- ja geelpintslite puhastamiseks. Ravim on väga tõhus ja toimib kiiresti. Looduslike küünte seisundi parandamiseks pärast geeli, akrüülmassi või otste eemaldamist.
1,99 €
Preparaat küüneplaadi rasvatustamiseks Nail Prep MollyLac 10 ml
Viimased tooted laos
Ülimalt rasvatust vähendav unikaalse koostisega küüneplaat!
Ohutu, ei kahjusta loomulikku küünekatet, valmistades seda ette edasisteks maniküüritöödeks. Aitab sulgeda küünenaha ja maksimeerida stiilitoodete kinnitumist looduslikule küünele.
Eemaldab suurepäraselt niiskuse ja ebapuhtuse küünelt, suurendades stiilitoodete haardumist mis tahes tehnikas - akrüül, akrüülgeel, geel, hübriid jne.
Toode on suletud kaunisse pudelisse koos spetsiaalselt valitud pintsliga, mis võimaldab kanda täiusliku koguse toodet. Väga tõhus, ei vaja loputamist, ei mõjuta küüneplaadi loomulikku pH-d, mis muudab selle ohutuks.
4,99 €