Geellakk geellakk Claresa Canni Valeri

Gel Nail Polish

Geel-küünelakk LED UV geellakk geellakid

Aktiivsed filtrid

  • Kategooriad: Alus ja ülaosa clear
  • Kategooriad: Claresa clear
  • Kategooriad: NTN Premium clear
Valeri Top Pearl (pärl, lilla, pärlmutter), 6 ml
Valeri Top Pearl on pinnakate, mis tagab kõrge vastupidavuse ja kaitseb usaldusväärselt küüneplaati kahjustuste, lõhenemise ja pragunemise eest. Seda on lihtne kanda ja see tasandub ise küüneplaadile. Tagab läikiva läike ja takistab värvi tuhmumist.
Selle pealislaki õrn sära annab elegantsi ja võlu igale toonile.
Maht: 6 ml
5,99 €
Valeri Top Opal (läbipaistev, kuldsete pärgadega), 12ml
Valeri Top Opal on pinnakate, mis tagab kõrge vastupidavuse ja kaitseb usaldusväärselt küüneplaati kahjustuste, lõhenemise ja pragunemise eest. Seda on lihtne kanda ja see tasandub ise küüneplaadile. Tagab läikiva läike ja takistab värvi tuhmumist.
Valeri Top Opal on ideaalne lahendus särava ja veatu maniküüri jaoks, mis annab küüntele läikiva ja õrna sära, luues piduliku meeleolu. Top on mittekleepuv ja sobib nii tumedate lakkide kui ka nude-maniküürile.
9,95 €
Valeri Top Opal (läbipaistev, kuldsete pärgadega), 6ml
Valeri Top Opal on pinnakate, mis tagab kõrge vastupidavuse ja kaitseb usaldusväärselt küüneplaati kahjustuste, lõhenemise ja pragunemise eest. Seda on lihtne kanda ja see tasandub ise küüneplaadile. Tagab läikiva läike ja takistab värvi tuhmumist.
Valeri Top Opal on ideaalne lahendus särava ja veatu maniküüri jaoks, mis annab küüntele läikiva ja õrna sära, luues piduliku meeleolu. Top on mittekleepuv ja sobib nii tumedate lakkide kui ka nude-maniküürile.
5,95 €
OCHO NAILS base 101 -5 g
Viimased tooted laos
Hea alus on hübriidmaniküüri aluseks
Klassikaline läbipaistev hübriidküünealus OCHO NAILS BASE suurendab tõhusalt laki nakkumist loomuliku küüneplaadiga, pikendades oluliselt stiilimise vastupidavust. Õigesti valitud keskmise tihedusega konsistents tagab mugava ja täpse töö. Seega ei ujuta toode küünenaha üle, mis hõlbustab oluliselt plaadi ettevalmistamist edasiseks töötlemiseks. Alus kaitseb naturaalset küüneplaati ja selle läbipaistev valem on mis tahes maniküürivärvi aluseks. Jätab kleepuva dispersiooni, tagades järjestikuste kihtide tõhusa sidumise. Ideaalne lühikeste küünte kujundamiseks.
4,99 €
Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Viral colors 5g Nr 297 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Viral colors 5g Nr 289 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Viral colors 5g Nr 290 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Viral colors 5g Nr 295 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Viral colors 5g Nr 292 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Viral colors 5g Nr 291 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Viral colors 5g Nr 293 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Viral colors 5g Nr 296 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Viimased tooted laos
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €