Geellakk geellakk Claresa Canni Valeri

Gel Nail Polish

Geel-küünelakk LED UV geellakk geellakid

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  • Kategooriad: Brush clear
  • Kategooriad: NTN Premium clear
  • Kategooriad: Vedelikud clear
Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Drama Queen 5g Nr 213 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Design Your Style Collection 5g Nr 41 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium After Midnight Collection 5G NR 68 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium After Midnight Collection 5g Nr 72 / Geel-küünelakk 5ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Happepraimer NTN Premium 5 ml
NTN Premium happepreparaat, mille ülesandeks on söövitada loomulik küüneplaat ja see ette valmistada enne hübriidlakkide, geelide ja akrüülide pealekandmist.Happekrunt on mõeldud inimestele, kellel on probleemsed küüneplaadid, kelle stiil ei pea kinni.
2,99 €
NTN Premium happetu praimer 5 ml
See on kõrge kvaliteediga ravim, mis kergesti vähendab küüne rasva, suurendades hübriid-, geeli- ja akrilgeeli adhesiooni.
Toodet saab kanda ainult kahjustamata loodusliku küüneplaadi peale, mis ei tunne erilisi raskusi teiste maniküürivahendite kleepimisega.
Dehüdraatorpreparaat naturaalse küüneplaadi rasvatustamiseks ja puhastamiseks NTN 7ml
Toode, mis rasvatustab ja puhastab naturaalset küüneplaati, valmistab küüned suurepäraselt ette lakkide, geelide, akrüülide ja akrüülgeelide pealekandmiseks.
Eemaldab suurepäraselt küünte ettevalmistamisel tekkiva tolmu. Tänu oma antibakteriaalsetele ja seenevastastele omadustele desinfitseerib see küüneplaadi ja kõrvaldab sellel tekkinud bakterid. Toode sobib ideaalselt keeruka küüneplaadiga inimestele, kes on altid õhutaskute ja laastude tekkele. See ei vaja loputamist ning tänu ideaalselt sobitatud pintslile on toote pealekandmine väga meeldiv ja tõhus.
Suurendab küünte kujundamise toodete nakkuvust.
3,99 €
Kosmeetiline atsetoon Ntn Premium 500 ml
Viimased tooted laos
Hübriidlaki, geeli, akrüüli ja otsikute ning puhastusharjade eemaldamiseks. Vedelik, mis eemaldab õrnalt ja tõhusalt küüneplaadilt hübriidlaki, geelmassi, akrüülmassi ja otsikud ilma looduslikke küüsi kahjustamata. Ideaalne akrüül- ja geelpintslite puhastamiseks. Ravim on väga tõhus ja toimib kiiresti. Looduslike küünte seisundi parandamiseks pärast geeli, akrüülmassi või otste eemaldamist.
3,99 €
Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Passion for Love Nr 205 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 5 ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection.
Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Passion for Love Nr 199 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 5 ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Multicolor Nr 86 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 5 ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection.
Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Soodus!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Multicolor Nr 89 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 5 ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection.
Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €