Geellakk geellakk Claresa Canni Valeri

Gel Nail Polish

Geel-küünelakk LED UV geellakk geellakid

Aktiivsed filtrid

  • Kategooriad: Geel-küünelakk PNB clear
  • Kategooriad: Materjalid küünte kujundamiseks clear
  • Kategooriad: Puuviljaõlid küünenahale clear
OCHO NAILS Cherry nail oil 130 -5 ml
Võrgutava puuviljase aroomiga ÕLI aitab hoolitseda kuivade küünenahkade ja nõrgenenud küüsi eest. Toode on niisutava ja siluva toimega, säilitab kaitse välistegurite kahjulike mõjude eest. Tänu toitvas koostises sisalduvatele õlidele parandab küünte ja küünenaha välimust, hoolitsedes nende hea seisundi eest - pehmendab küünenaha, soodustab küünemaatriksi taastumist. Toitev oliiv toimib suurepäraselt nii igapäevase hoolduse ajal kui ka vahetult pärast küünte kujundamist, luues igale maniküürile täiusliku viimistluse. Ilus lõhn muudab toote kasutamise meeldivamaks.
1,99 €
OCHO NAILS Peach nail oil 131 -5 ml
Võrgutava puuviljase aroomiga ÕLI aitab hoolitseda kuivade küünenahkade ja nõrgenenud küüsi eest. Toode on niisutava ja siluva toimega, säilitab kaitse välistegurite kahjulike mõjude eest. Tänu toitvas koostises sisalduvatele õlidele parandab küünte ja küünenaha välimust, hoolitsedes nende hea seisundi eest - pehmendab küünenaha, soodustab küünemaatriksi taastumist. Toitev oliiv toimib suurepäraselt nii igapäevase hoolduse ajal kui ka vahetult pärast küünte kujundamist, luues igale maniküürile täiusliku viimistluse. Ilus lõhn muudab toote kasutamise meeldivamaks.
1,99 €
Soodus!-1,80 €
PNB 294 SECRET ALCHEMY / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Soodus!-1,80 €
PNB 293 LOVE SPELL / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Soodus!-1,80 €
PNB 291 SOUL / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Soodus!-1,80 €
PNB 290 HOPE / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Soodus!-1,80 €
PNB 289 INNOCENCE / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Soodus!-1,80 €
PNB BARBADOS 266 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €