Geellakk geellakk Claresa Canni Valeri

Gel Nail Polish

Geel-küünelakk LED UV geellakk geellakid

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  • Kategooriad: Geel-küünelakk PNB clear
  • Kategooriad: Top clear
Top no wipe Hollywood MollyLac Zodiac osakestega 5ml
Sobib hübriid-, geeli-, akriil- ja muude derivaatlakkide valmistamiseks, millel on erakordne vastupidavus ja ilus säravus.
Lisage ilusad osakesed ja nautige äärmiselt tugevat ja kestavat, kriimustustusteta pinnast.
Top Hollywoodil pole kattet, nii et tööaeg on minimaalne.
Keskmise tihedusega kontsistents tagab mugava töö ja minimeerib kutikulisse satumise riski.
OCHO NAILS Vitamin Acid Free Primer 120 -5 g
Viimased tooted laos
Maniküüri maksimaalne nakkuvus ja fikseerimine
OCHO NAILS VITAMINS Acid Free Primer tagab hea nakkuvuse ja geelistumise nahale. Näidisvalem on peen ja mitmekülgne.
Spetsiaalne lahendus kuivadele ja kuivadele jalgadele
Krunt ei sisalda metakrüülhapet, mis muudab selle õrnaks ja on vähem agressiivse koostisega. Ravim kleepub tõhusalt probleemse tiheda plastikuga. Kompleksne koostis, mis sisaldab inositooli, retinooli, roosiseemneõli ja kastaniseemne ekstrakti, toidab intensiivselt lõhenenud küüsi, hoolitsedes nende hoolduse eest.
4,99 €
-1,00 €
Dry Top Ntn Premium no wipe 5g
Mähkige oma juuksed ainulaadse No Wipe'i viimistluskattega ja nautige kaunist soengut kuni 21 päeva ilma lõhenemise või mehaaniliste kahjustusteta. Keskmise konsistentsiga vastupidav läikiv pealispind tagab teile töömugavuse, ilma küünenahadele alla jooksmata ja lambis kokku tõmbumata.
Ntn Premiumiga pimestage sära ja püsige läikiv ilma kollaseks muutumata. Loob küünele täiusliku pinna, tänu millele on teie stiil veelgi täiuslikum. Soak Off valem tagab toote hõlpsa eemaldamise kõigis atsetoonipreparaatides.
Kandke kiht Top DRY Topi hübriid-, geel- või akrüülstiilile.
3,99 €
4,99 €
Valeri Top Non wipe on pealislakk, mis garanteerib kõrge vastupidavuse, kaitseb usaldusväärselt küüneplaati kahjustuste, laastude ja pragude eest. Lihtne peale kanda ja isetasanduv küüneplaadile. Annab läikiva sära ja hoiab ära värvide tuhmumise. Ei oma kleepuvat kihti.
18,00 €
Soodus!-1,80 €
PNB 294 SECRET ALCHEMY / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Soodus!-1,80 €
PNB 293 LOVE SPELL / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Soodus!-1,80 €
PNB 291 SOUL / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Soodus!-1,80 €
PNB 290 HOPE / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Soodus!-1,80 €
PNB 289 INNOCENCE / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Soodus!-1,80 €
PNB BARBADOS 266 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Soodus!-1,80 €
PNB FANCY TALISMAN 261 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Soodus!-1,80 €
PNB FAIRY CHARMS 259 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €