Geellakk geellakk Claresa Canni Valeri

Gel Nail Polish

Geel-küünelakk LED UV geellakk geellakid

Aktiivsed filtrid

  • Kategooriad: Brush clear
  • Kategooriad: Vedelikud clear
-1,00 €
Must kaunistuspintsel kuuptsirkooniga MollyLac 7mm №1
Kaunistuseks peen pintsel, 7 mm harjaste pikkusega hübriidlaki täpne pealekandmine. Tänu sellele saate hõlpsasti luua keerukaid maale, keerulisi kompositsioone või huvitavaid ornamente.
5,95 €
6,95 €
Maasika atsetoon 500 ml
hübriidlakkide eemaldamiseks lahustab koheselt akrüüli ja küüneotsad, võimaldades tõhusalt eemaldada kunstküüsi. Ei põhjusta küünte värvimuutust, ei jäta valget katet. Toetab geeliotste eemaldamist, pehmendades neid õrnalt. Seda saab kasutada ka pintslite puhastamiseks. Väga tõhus. Tugev kontsentratsioon tagab absoluutse efektiivsuse.
Mahutavus 500 ml
6,99 €
Viimased tooted laos
Küünenaha eemaldaja on küünenaha pehmendaja ja eemaldaja, mis on loodud kiireks ja lihtsaks küünenaha töötlemiseks. See pehmendab tõhusalt ja kiiresti küünenahasid ning hõlbustab küüneplaadi puhastamist ebavajalikust epidermisest. Rikastatud glütseriiniga, mis hooldab ja toidab õrna küünenahku ja küüneplaati. See sobib suurepäraselt maniküüriprotseduuride plaadi isevalmistamiseks.
Kasutamine: kandke väike kogus preparaati küünenaha ümber.
30-60 sekundi pärast eemaldage puupulgaga kogunenud küünenahad ja seejärel peske käed hoolikalt.
2,99 €
The most powerful anti-inflammatory remedy Rescue Nail Essence PNB is a real nail saver! Rescue Nail Essence PNB prevents fungus and germs even under artificial turf!
Fungal diseases of the nails of the fingers and toes are extremely dangerous and insidious - after all, it is not easy to recognize them, but it takes a long time to treat them. That is why nails need regular preventive care with the revolutionary protective Rescue Nail Essence PNB!
The high efficiency of the product is due to the amazing formula based on essential oils of lavender and tea tree.
8,99 €
Product for strengthening weak and thin nails PNB, 15 ml
Gives strength and thickness to the nail plate. The formula with high calcium content creates a powerful protective and strengthening shield on the nail surface.
Apply as a base, or as a standalone coating.
Manufacturer: Professional Nail Boutique (PNB), USA
Category: nail and cuticle care
6,99 €
Adhesive acid-free primer coating PNB
A unique acid-free product provides ultra-strong adhesion of any gel products, including gel polishes. Prevents peeling, promotes better compatibility of the artificial coating with the keratinous structure of the nail plate.
Technologist’s advice: use is mandatory before applying the base coatings.
15 ml
Manufacturer: Professional Nail Boutique (PNB), USA
Category: nail and cuticle care
6,99 €
Product for preparation of nails before application of any systems of nail modeling and decoration. The formula of the product helps to balance the pH of the nail, and eliminates the remnants of skin fat and dirt from the surface of a natural nail plate, increases the resistance and strength of manicure and pedicure.
Technologist’s advice: Apply before the acid-free Bond Control primer.
6,99 €
Pnb ovaalsed pintslid on mõeldud küünte ehitamiseks ja kujundamiseks. Olenemata materjali konsistentsist tagab geelpintsel ideaalse katvuse. Mudeli tootmiseks kasutab bränd sünteetilist nailonit, mis on vastupidav ja kvaliteetne. Juuste elastsus ja nende kuju mugavus võimaldavad teil töötada raskesti ligipääsetavate kohtadega. PNB-hari ei deformeeru ega kaota oma omadusi kaitstud kohas hoidmisel.

Varda pikkus: 8 mm
6,95 €
PNB ovaalne pintsel sobib küünte pikendamiseks. Tänu ümarale kontuurile võimaldab see modelleerida soovitud kuju. Piisab, kui kanda pintsli pinnale väike kogus geeli ja seejärel katta küüneplaat ühes suunas. Küünekunstnikule on pnb-pintslid mugavad, sest sobivad töötamiseks ka raskesti ligipääsetavates kohtades: küünenaha piirkonnas, kontuuri järgi joonistamine erikuju konstrueerimiseks. Geelpintslit on soovitatav hoida suletud kohas, piirates kokkupuudet teiste tööriistadega.

Varda pikkus: 11 mm
6,95 €
PNB Quick Cuticle remover, alkaline 30 ml
Professional liquid tool PNB Quick Cuticle Remover is designed for quick and gentle cuticle removal when performing manicure and pedicure. The active alkaline component, sodium hydroxide, allows in a matter of seconds to soften the dead skin cells (cuticle) to dissolve and conduct a thorough cleaning at the base of the nail. The moisturizing component glycerin softens the drying effect of alkali, and the juice of aloe leaves has a slight antiseptic effect and a caring effect, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. With regular use, cuticle growth slows down. The skin at the base of the nail becomes soft and well-groomed. It is also used to soften and remove corns, rough skin on the elbows and heels.
11,99 €
-5,00 €
Valeri Callus remover Lime - callus remover for feet, 250 ml
Valeri Callus Remover is an effective remedy designed to soften and remove corns, calluses and rough skin on the feet. It can be used with a classic or hardware pedicure. This is an alkaline foot day peeling - a professional tool for comprehensive foot care that removes calluses, corns and rough skin, regulates blood circulation, relieves fatigue and heaviness in the legs. it is used both in hardware and in classic pedicure; has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect; easy and economical to use thanks to a convenient dispenser; has a transparent gel consistency with a pleasant aroma of mint or lime; after the first application you will see an excellent result.
14,99 €
19,99 €
-5,00 €
Valeri Callus remover mint - callus remover for feet, 250 ml
Valeri Callus Remover is an effective remedy designed to soften and remove corns, calluses and rough skin on the feet. It can be used with a classic or hardware pedicure.
This is an alkaline foot day peeling - a professional tool for comprehensive foot care that removes calluses, corns and rough skin, regulates blood circulation, relieves fatigue and heaviness in the legs.
it is used both in hardware and in classic pedicure;
has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect;
easy and economical to use thanks to a convenient dispenser;
has a transparent gel consistency with a pleasant aroma of mint or lime;
after the first application you will see an excellent result.
14,99 €
19,99 €