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Gel Nail Polish

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  • Sadaļas: Cits clear
  • Sadaļas: Valeri clear
  • Sadaļas: Vienreizējās lietošanas clear
ALL4MED augstas kvalitātes pašlīmējošās folijas un papīra maisiņi ir izgatavoti no materiāliem, kas atbilst visiem nepieciešamajiem medicīniskajiem standartiem. Tie ir aprīkoti ar pašlīmējošu lenti, pateicoties kurai nav nepieciešams izmantot metināšanas iekārtu. Uz izstrādājuma novietotais indikators apstiprinās sterilizācijas procesa pareizību, mainot tā krāsu. Maisiņi paredzēti sterilizācijai ar tvaiku.
0,25 €
UV Gel polish VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters!
Manufacturer: Valeri (France)
Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer!
6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

UV Gel polish VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters!
Manufacturer: Valeri (France)
Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer!
6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

UV Gel polish VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters!
Manufacturer: Valeri (France)
Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer!
6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

UV Gel polish VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters!
Manufacturer: Valeri (France)
Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer!
6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

UV Gel polish VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters!
Manufacturer: Valeri (France)
Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer!
6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

UV Gel polish VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters!
Manufacturer: Valeri (France)
Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer!
6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

UV Gel polish VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters!
Manufacturer: Valeri (France)
Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer!
6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

UV Gel polish VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters!
Manufacturer: Valeri (France)
Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer!
6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

UV Gel polish VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters!
Manufacturer: Valeri (France)
Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer!
6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €