Gēla nagu laka gēla laka Claresa Canni Valeri

Gel Nail Polish

Gēla nagu laka LED UV gēla lakas gēla lakas

Aktīvie filtri

  • Sadaļas: NTN Premium clear
  • Sadaļas: OCHO clear
  • Sadaļas: Vienreizējās lietošanas clear
Izpārdošana!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Celebration Nr 166 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 5 ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection.
Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Izpārdošana!-1,00 €
NTN Premium Birthday Party NR 51 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 5 ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection.
Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Izpārdošana!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Ambrosia Nr 157 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 5 ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection.
Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Izpārdošana!-1,00 €
Ntn Premium Passion for Love Nr 206 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 5 ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection. Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Izpārdošana!-1,00 €
NTN Premium IMPRESSION NR 255 5g / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 5 ml
Full of passion, full of color, the NTN Premium Collection is an exceptionally optimistic palette of rainbow colors for warriors who are curious about the world and looking for adventure. If you appreciate unusual and intriguing rich patterns, choose the NTN Premium collection.
Enjoy the moment! Cobalt, orange, hot pink or a combination? Blood red or electrifying, expressive shine? One thing is for sure - the resulting effect is the perfect choice for the most fashionable styling.
2,99 €
3,99 €

Plastmasas gofrējums/sprādze 31 mm tuneļa skavai
Plastmasas gofrējums/sprādze 31 mm tuneļa skavai
Strādājot ar akrilu vai želeju, ieteicams izmantot plastmasas klipsi/sprādzi, lai pievilktu tuneļu. Ar klipšu palīdzību jūs varat viegli iegūt skaistu tuneli, un jūsu nagi izskatīsies perfekti.
Izgatavots no izturīgas caurspīdīgas plastmasas. Pateicoties tam, tas lieliski laiž cauri UV gaismu, kas nekādi neietekmē gēla masas sacietēšanu.
Uzlieciet klipsi uz iepriekš sacietējušā gēla masas.
Mēs ievietojām lampu pilnīgai sacietēšanai.
Izmērs: 31 mm
0,99 €
Porolona sadalītāji pedikīra sirsniņām 2 gab.
Neaizstājams pedikīram.
Vienreizlietojamie mīkstie putuplasta gumijas separatori ir neaizstājams produkts, veicot pedikīru gan mājās, gan profesionālā skaistumkopšanas salonā. Viņu uzdevums ir izplest pirkstus, lai atvieglotu procedūru veikšanu, neradot diskomfortu. Tie aizsargā pret netīrumiem, ko rada kopšanas līdzekļi vai nagu laka, un novērš nejaušu stila bojājumu.
Komforts pēdu kopšanas laikā
Elastīgais rozā dalītājs ar krāsainām sirdīm ir ērti lietojams un lieliski pieguļ pirkstiem. Tas atvieglo piekļuvi grūti sasniedzamām nagu vietām. Tas noteikti uzlabos un padarīs kāju kopšanu patīkamāku.
Iepakojumā ir divi gabali.
Augstums: 3 cm
. Platums: 10 cm
. Biezums: 0,7 cm.
0,69 €