Gēla nagu laka gēla laka Claresa Canni Valeri

Gel Nail Polish

Gēla nagu laka LED UV gēla lakas gēla lakas

Aktīvie filtri

  • Sadaļas: AlleLac clear
  • Sadaļas: Gēla nagu laka PNB clear
  • Sadaļas: Šķidrumi clear
-5,00 €
Valeri Callus remover Lime - callus remover for feet, 250 ml
Valeri Callus Remover is an effective remedy designed to soften and remove corns, calluses and rough skin on the feet. It can be used with a classic or hardware pedicure. This is an alkaline foot day peeling - a professional tool for comprehensive foot care that removes calluses, corns and rough skin, regulates blood circulation, relieves fatigue and heaviness in the legs. it is used both in hardware and in classic pedicure; has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect; easy and economical to use thanks to a convenient dispenser; has a transparent gel consistency with a pleasant aroma of mint or lime; after the first application you will see an excellent result.
14,99 €
19,99 €
-5,00 €
Valeri Callus remover mint - callus remover for feet, 250 ml
Valeri Callus Remover is an effective remedy designed to soften and remove corns, calluses and rough skin on the feet. It can be used with a classic or hardware pedicure.
This is an alkaline foot day peeling - a professional tool for comprehensive foot care that removes calluses, corns and rough skin, regulates blood circulation, relieves fatigue and heaviness in the legs.
it is used both in hardware and in classic pedicure;
has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect;
easy and economical to use thanks to a convenient dispenser;
has a transparent gel consistency with a pleasant aroma of mint or lime;
after the first application you will see an excellent result.
14,99 €
19,99 €
Acid primer 15 ml Profnail
Provides excellent adhesion to the nail plate, penetrates deep into the nail, removes grease from the nail and balances moisture. Suitable for greasy nail plate as well as nail plate with high humidity. Used on the nail in small amounts without touching the skin.
6,95 €
Non-acid primer 15 ml Profnail
The tool does not contain acid, acts as a binder between the natural nail and the artificial material. Removes grease and excess moisture. The nail is covered with a thin layer and dries in 60 seconds.
7,95 €
Acid Free Provita bezskābes gruntējums - maksimāla saķere jūsu nagu veidošanai
Vai vēlaties, lai jūsu nagu dizains ilgu laiku būtu ideālā stāvoklī ? Jūsu dabīgā nagu plāksne ir problemātiska, proti, tā ir sausa, trausla un šķelšanās, tāpēc neviena bāze nenodrošina maksimālu saķeri ar lakām un gēliem? Mums ir uzticams risinājums tam - Acid Free Provita bezskābes gruntējums , kas ne tikai nodrošinās jūsu nagu stilizācijām vislielāko saķeri, bet arī pagarinās tā noturību un rūpēsies par nagu plāksni.
Kādā nolūkā?
Lai palielinātu pamatnes un želejas saķeri ar nagu plāksni un pagarinātu ieveidošanas noturību.
Priekš kura?
Īpaši cilvēkiem ar sausiem, trausliem un šķeltiem nagiem.
3,95 €