Gēla nagu laka gēla laka Claresa Canni Valeri

Gel Nail Polish

Gēla nagu laka LED UV gēla lakas gēla lakas

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  • Sadaļas: Augļu eļļas kutikulām clear
  • Sadaļas: Gēla nagu laka PNB clear
  • Pieejamība: Pieejamās vispirms clear
Augļu kutikulas un nagu eļļas ir atbilde uz sausām, plaisājošām kutikulām un novājinātiem, bojātiem nagiem. Atbalsta aizsardzību pret ārējo faktoru kaitīgo ietekmi un novērš kutikulas izžūšanu. Tie satur barojošas eļļas, kas mitrina un mīkstina kutikulas un stiprina nagus. Tas pozitīvi ietekmē nagu matricas atjaunošanos, kā rezultātā naga plāksne tiek nostiprināta un mazāk uzņēmīga pret bojājumiem. Piece of Fruit Oil ir ideāls apdares pieskāriens jebkuram stilam, kā arī ideāls uzturs kailiem nagiem.
2,39 €
Izpārdošana!-1,80 €
PNB 292 FAITH / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Izpārdošana!-1,80 €
PNB 288 KINDNESS / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Izpārdošana!-1,80 €
PNB 287 SENSITIVITY / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Izpārdošana!-1,80 €
PNB RAPUNZEL 286 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Izpārdošana!-1,80 €
PNB NUTCRACKER 284 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Izpārdošana!-1,80 €
PNB MERMAID 283 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Izpārdošana!-1,80 €
PNB ALADDIN 282 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Izpārdošana!-1,80 €
PNB ESMERALDA 281 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Izpārdošana!-1,80 €
PNB CINDERELLA 280 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Izpārdošana!-1,80 €
PNB 1001 NIGHT 279 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €

Izpārdošana!-1,80 €
PNB SNOW QUEEN 278 / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €