
Aktīvie filtri

Divipusējs manikīra pievilcējs Snippex 888
Divpusējs manikīrs.
Viena puse ar pusapkārtēju galu, lai atstātu kutikulu, otra ar stingru galu, lai attīrītu nagas malu.
Melns rifeļu pints atvieglo darbu.
7,95 €
142 UV gēla laka VALERI 6ml
Gellakis Valeri - kvalitāte un pieejamība!Ražotājs: Valeri (Francija)
Gellaks ir spēcīgi pigmentēts un uzklāts vienā slāņa formā, ticis izkliedēts, izturīgs pret izkārnījumiem, viegli uzklāts, sevi izlīdzina uz naglas plātne, viegli izšķīst, gellaks Valeri ar smaržu un lielisku kombināciju ar produktiem no jebkura ražotāja!
6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

Pils Snippex 12 cm lielām nagām.
Failu izmanto specializētajai ortopēdijai. Īpaši, ja darbs ir saistīts ar augšāmceltajām pirkstiem. Tas var tikt izmantots, lai nostiprinātu blakus esošās vai grūti pieejamas nagas.
Tas ir izgatavots no nerūsējošā tērauda.
To var dezinficēt un sterilizēt.
7,95 €
151 Gēla nagu laka VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters! Manufacturer: Valeri (France) Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer! 6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

150 Gēla nagu laka VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters! Manufacturer: Valeri (France) Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer! 6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

149 Gēla nagu laka VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters! Manufacturer: Valeri (France) Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer! 6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

148 Gēla nagu laka VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters! Manufacturer: Valeri (France) Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer! 6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

147 Gēla nagu laka VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters! Manufacturer: Valeri (France) Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer! 6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

146 Gēla nagu laka VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters! Manufacturer: Valeri (France) Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer! 6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

145 Gēla nagu laka VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters! Manufacturer: Valeri (France) Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer! 6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

144 Gēla nagu laka VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters! Manufacturer: Valeri (France) Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer! 6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €

143 Gēla nagu laka VALERI 6ml
Valeri gel polish is a high-quality and affordable gel polish developed by masters for masters! Manufacturer: Valeri (France) Gel varnishes are highly pigmented and applied in one layer, fit tightly, wear-resistant, easy to apply, self-leveling on the nail plate, dissolve easily, Valeri gel varnishes are flavored and go well with products from any manufacturer! 6 ml
4,05 €
4,50 €