
Aktīvie filtri

  • Pieejamība: Pieejamās vispirms clear
  • Zīmols: Diamond tools clear
  • Zīmols: PNB clear
  • Zīmols: Saeyang clear
Dimanta frēze "Nogriezts konuss" Ø4,0 mm, "Smalka"
Diamond cutter in "HIGH QUALITY" The precision stainless steel shank is hardened and the diamond coating. These allow a very high capacity and durability. It is perfectly suitable for professional use for the removal of calluses, corns, and for finishing nails with a high efficiency. The diamond cutter is for wet adn try use.
3,99 €
-Diamond burr flame Ø2.5mm, Fine grit diamond head burr, "Fine"
Diamond cutter in "HIGH QUALITY" The precision stainless steel shank is hardened and the diamond coating. These allow a very high capacity and durability. It is perfectly suitable for professional use for the removal of calluses, corns, and for finishing nails with a high efficiency. The diamond cutter is for wet adn try use.
3,99 €
Diamond cutter "Drop" Ø4.0 mm, Bur with diamond head "Medium"
Diamond cutter in "HIGH QUALITY" The precision stainless steel shank is hardened and the diamond coating. These allow a very high capacity and durability. It is perfectly suitable for professional use for the removal of calluses, corns, and for finishing nails with a high efficiency. The diamond cutter is for wet adn try use.
3,99 €
Diamond burr "Drop" Ø4.0 mm, Fine diamond burr "Fine"
Diamond cutter in "HIGH QUALITY" The precision stainless steel shank is hardened and the diamond coating. These allow a very high capacity and durability. It is perfectly suitable for professional use for the removal of calluses, corns, and for finishing nails with a high efficiency. The diamond cutter is for wet adn try use.
3,99 €
Dimanta uzgali Burs Uzgaļi manikīra nagiem "PEAR" Ø2,5 mm Mīksts
Diamond cutter in "HIGH QUALITY"Ideal for cuticle clean The precision stainless steel shank is hardened and the diamond coating. These allow a very high capacity and durability. It is perfectly suitable for professional use for the removal of calluses, corns, and for finishing nails with a high efficiency. The diamond cutter is for wet and dry use.
3,99 €
Diamond burr "Flame" Ø2.5 mm, Medium diamond burr "Medium"
Diamond cutter in "HIGH QUALITY"
The precision stainless steel shank is hardened and the diamond coating. These allow a very high capacity and durability. It is perfectly suitable for professional use for the removal of calluses, corns, and for finishing nails with a high efficiency. The diamond cutter is for wet adn try use.
3,99 €
Pnb ovālas otas ir paredzētas nagu veidošanai un veidošanai. Neatkarīgi no materiāla konsistences, gēla otiņa garantē perfektu pārklājumu. Modeļa ražošanai zīmols izmanto sintētisko neilonu, kas ir izturīgs un kvalitatīvs. Matu elastība un to formas ērtība ļauj strādāt ar grūti sasniedzamām vietām. Uzglabājot aizsargātā vietā, PNB birste nedeformēsies un nezaudēs savas īpašības.

Staba garums: 8 mm
6,95 €
PNB ovāla birste ir piemērota nagu pieaudzēšanai. Pateicoties noapaļotajai kontūrai, tas ļauj modelēt vēlamo formu. Pietiek uzklāt nelielu gēla daudzumu uz otas virsmas un pēc tam pārklāt nagu plāksni vienā virzienā. Nagu māksliniekam pnb otas ir ērtas, jo ir piemērotas darbam pat grūti sasniedzamās vietās: kutikulas zonā, zīmējot pēc kontūras īpašas formas konstrukcijai. Gēla otu ieteicams uzglabāt slēgtā vietā, ierobežojot saskari ar citiem instrumentiem.

Pola garums: 11 mm
6,95 €
Izpārdošana!-1,80 €
PNB 292 FAITH / Soakoff UV/LED Gel, 8 ml
PNB UV LED gel polish has a unique formula, thanks to which a specialist can easily create a delightful manicure. Its perfectly glossy shine gives nobility, emphasizes the beauty of soft pink color. Manicure with this coating has a special durability - more than twenty days without chips and scratches.
7,20 €
9,00 €


Frēzmašīna MARATHON Handy Eco - bezsuku, balti pelēka
Frēzmašīna ir jaunākā ierīce no Saeyang, tehnoloģiski progresīva, ar ļoti klusu un izturīgāko galvu SDE-BM50M. Tas garantē augstu efektivitāti ar zemu trokšņa un vibrācijas līmeni, un automātiskā pārslodzes aizsardzības sistēma nodrošina ilgu un bez traucējumiem darbību.
Profesionālā frēzmašīna paredzēta skaistumkopšanas salonu “īpašiem uzdevumiem”, pedikīra procedūras viņai ir bēdīgi slavena “pastaiga”.
Jauda un intuitīvās vadības ierīces padara darbu ar to patiesu prieku.
Komplektā ietilpst:
- frēzmašīnas galva - frēzmašīna
- kājas pedālis
- galvas balsts
- vadība
- garantija

729,00 €