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"SYIS Atjaunojošās ampulas ar glikolskābi
Atjaunojošās ampulas ar glikolskābi ir paredzētas ādai, kurai nepieciešama izlīdzināšana, reģenerācija un atjaunošana. Tās uzlabo ādas stāvokli un izlīdzina ādas toni. Glikolskābes un arginīna kombinācija nodrošina epidermas attīrīšanu un mikroekspoliāciju. Pateicoties ananāsu, kivi un persiku ekstraktu saturam, ampulām piemīt antioksidanta, atjaunojošas un barojošas īpašības.
15,99 €
Syis 100% tīra kolagēna ampulas 10 x 3 ml
Paredzēts nobriedušai ādai. Tie lieliski mitrina, savelk un efektīvi novērš grumbu veidošanos. Hidrolizētais kolagēns palīdz izlīdzināt rētas un mazināt krāsas izmaiņas. Kolagēns ir atbildīgs par saistaudu vienotības, stiepes izturības un elastības uzturēšanu, kā arī tam piemīt neparasta spēja saistīt ūdeni. Kolagēna struktūra ir saistaudu pamats, kas balsta ādas augšējos slāņus. Tas nodrošina, ka āda saglabā pienācīgu elastību un spriegojumu. Tas darbojas arī kā saikne starp dermu un epidermu.
18,95 €
"SYIS krēms tripeptīdu krēms ar viper venom 100ml
Paredzēts nobriedušai ādai, kurai nepieciešama sejas ovāla savilkšana, grumbu izlīdzināšana, barošana un izlīdzināšana. Satur sintētisku proteīnu, kas līdzīgs Tropidolaemus wagleri viperes indei. Šis proteīns maigi atslābina saspringtos sejas muskuļus, tādējādi izlīdzinot esošās grumbas un novēršot jaunu grumbu veidošanos. Krēma sastāvā ir Spilanthes Acmella augu ekstrakts, kam piemīt nostiprinoša, izlīdzinoša un elastīga iedarbība.
22,99 €
The comfort and quality of the equipment is a priority for every owner of an aesthetic medicine clinic, professional beauty studio or day spa. COSMETIC BED AZZURRO is a high-class couch that allows you to perform cosmetic treatments and all types of massage. Heated mattress, electrically adjustable height up and down, the backrest of the bed can be adjusted, the bed can be conveniently positioned, ensuring comfort for both the client and the person performing the treatment. Functionality and modernity guarantee wide application. GREAT QUALITY !!! 2 YEARS WARRANTY!!! Dimensions: -length 187cm -width 72-95cm -height 64 - 84 cm - lifting capacity up to 150 kg -net weight 93 kg
1 399,00 €
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Electric cosmetic bed adjustable in height in a very wide range from 64 to 82 cm. The backrest, footrests are also adjustable by remote control. The face opening is based on the base and the support columns are independently controlled. A wide (76 cm) piece of furniture with a thick and very comfortable heated mattress. The bed is very stable. It is upholstered with high-quality eco-leather in a delicate ecru shade. GREAT QUALITY !!! 2 YEARS WARRANTY!!! Length: 200 cm Width: 76 cm Max height: 83cm Height min: 65cm Full control with a remote control Size of the package: 205x80x70cm
Electric cosmetic bed adjustable in height in a very wide range from 64 to 82 cm. The backrest, footrests are also adjustable by remote control. The face opening is based on the base and the support columns are independently controlled. A wide (76 cm) piece of furniture with a thick and very comfortable mattress. The bed is very stable. It is upholstered with high-quality eco-leather in a delicate shade ..... GREAT QUALITY !!! 2 YEARS WARRANTY!!! Length: 200 cm Width: 76 cm Max height: 83cm Height min: 65cm Fully adjustable with a remote control Size of the package: 205x80x70cm
1 899,00 €
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A new cosmetic bed. An absolute hit among couches. Electric height adjustment in a very wide range - from 58 to 85 cm. The backrest is also adjustable with a remote control, from the horizontal to the almost vertical position (it rises to 80 degrees). Possibility of lateral extension or complete disassembly of the side parts of the backrest. One pillow is included. In the lower part, under the backrest, there is a drawer for handy accessories. A wide (76 cm) piece of furniture with a thick and very comfortable mattress. Leznak is very stable. It is upholstered with high-quality eco-leather in a delicate ecru shade. The couch has a led backlight in the bottom part of different shades (color changes by remote control)   GREAT QUALITY !!! 2 YEARS WARRANTY!!!
Фреза керамическая "Flame White Medium Y"
Ideal use for gel process and foot care Benefits "CERAMIC" - High wear resistance - Perfect heat reduction - Reefs-free fine tunning - Completley resistant to chemical disinfectants - Ideal use for foot care
14,95 €
Фреза керамическая "Flame White Medium"
Ideal use for gel process and foot care Benefits "CERAMIC" - High wear resistance - Perfect heat reduction - Reefs-free fine tunning - Completley resistant to chemical disinfectants - Ideal use for foot care
14,95 €
Фреза керамическая "Flame Black Fine"
Ideal use for gel process and foot care Benefits "CERAMIC" - High wear resistance - Perfect heat reduction - Reefs-free fine tunning - Completley resistant to chemical disinfectants - Ideal use for foot care
14,95 €
Фреза керамическая "Flame Black Medium"
Ideal use for gel process and foot care Benefits "CERAMIC" - High wear resistance - Perfect heat reduction - Reefs-free fine tunning - Completley resistant to chemical disinfectants - Ideal use for foot care
14,95 €